
Results (139)

String Translation Suggestions
$numHistory$ out of $totalCount$ Account Login Histories
$numHistory$ out of $totalCount$ Account Login Histories
$numHistory$ out of $totalCount$ Account Login Histories
$numHistory$ out of $totalCount$ Account Login Histories
$RevisionNumber$ of $RevisionsCount$ $RevisionNumber$ de $RevisionsCount$
$SiteName$ is part of the $StackExchangeLogo$ network of $SiteCount$ Q&A [communities]($SiteListUrl$). $SiteName$ es parte de $StackExchangeLogo$ la red de $SiteCount$ [comunidad]($SiteListUrl$) de Q&A.
$SiteName$ is part of the $StackExchangeLogo$ network of $SiteCount$ Q&A [communities]($SiteListUrl$). $SiteName$ es parte de $StackExchangeLogo$ la red de $SiteCount$ [comunidades]($SiteListUrl$) de Q&A.
A maximum of $MaxTagCount$ tags are allowed.
A maximum of $MaxTagCount$ tags are allowed.
Asked $__count$ non-wiki questions with a total score of $QuestionScore$. Formuló $__count$ pregunta que no es de wiki con una puntuación total de $QuestionScore$.
Asked $__count$ non-wiki questions with a total score of $QuestionScore$. Formuló $__count$ preguntas que no son wiki con una puntuación total de $QuestionScore$.
combine multiple words into single-words with hyphens (e.g. $exampleTag$), up to a maximum of $MaxTagLength$ characters combina múltiples palabras en una-sola-palabra usando guiones (ejemplo: $exampleTag$), hasta un máximo de $MaxTagLength$ caracteres
Congratulations -- you are one of the **top new $SiteName$ users for the month of $Starting$!** Felicitaciones. Eres uno de los **nuevos usuarios más importantes de $SiteName$ para el mes de $Starting$**.
Congratulations -- you are one of the **top new $SiteName$ users for the week of $Starting$!** Felicitaciones. Eres uno de los **nuevos usuarios más importantes de $SiteName$ para la semana del $Starting$**.
Could not resend invite because $email$ is already a member of $site$.
Create your account on the $StackExchangeLogo$ network of $SiteCount$ Q&A [communities]($SiteListUrl$).
Create your account on the $StackExchangeLogo$ network of $SiteCount$ Q&A [communities]($SiteListUrl$).
Displaying $count$ out of $totalCount$ review audit items for this user
Displaying $count$ out of $totalCount$ review queue items. View $linkStart$all review tasks for this user $linkEnd$ to find additional reviews to include.
Displaying $count$ out of $totalCount$ Staging Ground posts reviewed for this user. View $linkStart$all Staging Ground reviews for this user$linkEnd$
Due to clear signs of falsified accounts being used to artificially inflate your reputation, your account has been temporarily suspended for $todoSuspendMarker$ days. It is not fair to other users of $siteName$ to allow users to gain reputation through [sockpuppets]($sockPuppetsUrl$). The offending accounts have been removed and the votes invalidated. Please refrain from this behavior in the future.
Duplicate of $duplicates$ Duplicada de $duplicates$
duplicate of $Link$ duplicado de $Link$
Gave $__count$ non-wiki answers with a total score of $AnswerScore$. Proporcionó $__count$ respuesta que no es de wiki con una puntuación total de $AnswerScore$.
Gave $__count$ non-wiki answers with a total score of $AnswerScore$. Proporcionó $__count$ respuestas que no son de wiki con una puntuación total de $AnswerScore$.
Help us maintain the quality of $siteName$ Ayúdanos a mantener la calidad de $siteName$
helpful flags: $Helpful$ of $Total$ reportes útiles: $Helpful$ de $Total$
helpful flags: $Helpful$ of $Total$ reportes útiles: $Helpful$ de $Total$
helpful flags: $Helpful$ of $Total$ reportes útiles: $Helpful$ de $Total$
helpful flags: $Helpful$ of $Total$ reportes útiles: $Helpful$ de $Total$
IP is recorded on the following user actions: vote, post, comment, login, logout. To reduce noise, there must be a minimum of $times$ times 'seen' at a given IP to show up in the above chart. La IP se guarda con las siguientes acciones: votar, publicar, comentar, loguearse, desloguearse. Para reducir el ruido, tiene que haber sido "visto" $times$ veces en una determinada IP para ser mostrado en el gráfico de arriba.
IP is recorded on the following user actions: vote, post, comment, login, logout. To reduce noise, there must be a minimum of $times$ times 'seen' at a given IP to show up in the above chart. La IP se guarda con las siguientes acciones: votar, publicar, comentar, loguearse, desloguearse. Para reducir el ruido, tiene que haber sido "visto" $times$ veces en una determinada IP para ser mostrado en el gráfico de arriba.
It has come to our attention that you, or someone using your account, has been using multiple accounts to artificially game our systems. The duplicate accounts will be removed and the votes invalidated. Please refrain from using secondary accounts to circumvent our systems in the future. It is not fair to other users of $siteName$ to allow users to gain reputation through [sockpuppets]($sockPuppetsUrl$). Please be aware that we take the integrity of the Stack Overflow systems very seriously, and future incidents of this type will result in increasingly longer suspensions being applied to your profile. However, we know that in some cases, there are legitimate reasons for operating a second account - that is okay, as long as you adhere to the rule that you can't use the second account to do anything that wouldn't be possible with just one account. If you'd like to avoid possible future issues altogether, please use the [contact form]($contactUrl$) and select the "I need to merge user profiles" option, so that we can merge them without further incident.
Like this site? Stack Exchange is a network of $sites$ Q&A sites just like it. Check out the $linkStart$full list of sites$linkEnd$. ¿Te gusta el sitio? Stack Exchange es una red de $sites$ sitios de preguntas y respuestas como este. Visita la $linkStart$lista completa de sitios$linkEnd$.
Log out of $site$ Cerrar sesión en $site$
Looks like there's low activity for the week of $startDate$ - $endDate$.
Only a maximum of $maxSelectable$ custom reasons will be shown in the close popup Solo un máximo de $maxSelectable$ razón personalizada será mostrada en el diálogo de cierre
Only a maximum of $maxSelectable$ custom reasons will be shown in the close popup Solo un máximo de $maxSelectable$ razones personalizadas serán mostradas en el diálogo de cierre
Score (when a synonym gets a total of $ScoreRequiredToApprove$ it is automatically approved)
Score (when a synonym gets a total of $ScoreRequiredToDecline$ it is automatically declined)
Score of $__count$ Puntuación de $__count$
Score of $__count$ Puntuación de $__count$
Score of $numVotes$ Puntuación de $numVotes$
Score of $Score$ Puntuación de $Score$
Score of $Score$, with an accepted answer Puntuación de $Score$, con una respuesta aceptada
Showing $num$ communities out of $communityCount$ visible communities Mostrando $num$ comunidades de $communityCount$ comunidades visibles
Showing $num$ communities out of $communityCount$ visible communities Mostrando $num$ comunidades de $communityCount$ comunidades visibles
Showing $num$ communities out of $communityCount$ visible communities Mostrando $num$ comunidades de $communityCount$ comunidades visibles
Showing $num$ communities out of $communityCount$ visible communities Mostrando $num$ comunidades de $communityCount$ comunidades visibles
Showing $number$ of $totalNumber$ total comments
Showing $number$ of $totalNumber$ total comments
Showing $number$ of $totalNumber$ total comments
Showing $number$ of $totalNumber$ total comments
Showing $usersCount$ of $totalUsers$ members Mostrando $usersCount$ de $totalUsers$ miembro
Showing $usersCount$ of $totalUsers$ members Mostrando $usersCount$ de un total de $totalUsers$ miembro
Showing $usersCount$ of $totalUsers$ members Mostrando $usersCount$ de $totalUsers$ miembros
Showing $usersCount$ of $totalUsers$ members Mostrando $usersCount$ de $totalUsers$ miembros
Showing a total of $num$ comments
Showing a total of $num$ comments
Showing a total of $num$ posts Mostrando una publicación
Showing a total of $num$ posts Mostrando un total de $num$ publicaciones
Showing a total of $num$ withdrawn candidatures Mostrando un total de $num$ candidatura retirada
Showing a total of $num$ withdrawn candidatures Mostrando un total de $num$ candidaturas retiradas
Showing comments $first$ to $last$ out of $total$
Showing posts $first$ to $last$ out of $total$
showing top $top$ of $total$ available badges; please use the search box to find a specific badge mostrando $top$ medallas principales de $total$ medallas disponibles; utiliza la casilla de búsqueda para buscar una medalla en particular
showing top $top$ of $total$ available badges; please use the search box to find a specific badge mostrando $top$ medallas principales de $total$ medallas disponibles; utiliza la casilla de búsqueda para buscar una medalla en particular
showing top $top$ of $total$ available badges; please use the search box to find a specific badge mostrando $top$ medallas principales de $total$ medallas disponibles; utiliza la casilla de búsqueda para buscar una medalla en particular
showing top $top$ of $total$ available badges; please use the search box to find a specific badge mostrando $top$ medallas principales de $total$ medallas disponibles; utiliza la casilla de búsqueda para buscar una medalla en particular
Stack Exchange network consists of $TotalSites$ Q&A communities including [Stack Overflow]($StackOverflowUrl$), the largest, most trusted online community for developers to learn, share their knowledge, and build their careers.
Stack Exchange network consists of $TotalSites$ Q&A communities including [Stack Overflow]($StackOverflowUrl$), the largest, most trusted online community for developers to learn, share their knowledge, and build their careers.
Suggestions will be automatically approved when they reach a score of $ScoreRequiredToApprove$, and automatically deleted when they reach a score of $ScoreRequiredToDecline$. Las sugerencias se aprobarán automáticamente cuando alcancen una puntuación de $ScoreRequiredToApprove$ y se eliminarán de forma automática cuando alcancen una puntuación de $ScoreRequiredToDecline$.
The community is reviewing whether to reopen this question as of $reviewCreatedAgo$. La comunidad está revisando si se reabre esta pregunta desde $reviewCreatedAgo$.
The offered bounty amount must be a multiple of $MinimumRepOffered$ El monto de la recompensa ofrecida debe ser un múltiplo de $MinimumRepOffered$
The offered bounty amount must be a multiple of $MinimumRepOffered$ El monto de la recompensa ofrecida debe ser un múltiplo de $MinimumRepOffered$
This answer has been accepted by $adminName$ on behalf of $deactivatedName$. The original asker's account is deactivated.
This answer has been accepted by $adminName$ on behalf of $ownerName$.
This post appears to be a duplicate of $post$ Esta publicación parece un duplicado de $post$
This post has a score of $score$ and may be useful to the community. Instead of deleting, it may be appropriate to add a citation and then raise a CM escalation to request a post disassociation, which will retain the post and remove the reputation from the user.
This post has a score of $score$ and may be useful to the community. Instead of deleting, it may be appropriate to add a citation and then raise a CM escalation to request a post disassociation, which will retain the post and remove the reputation from the user.
This post is community owned as of $date$. Votes do not generate reputation, and it can be edited by users with $rep$ rep Esta publicación es propiedad de la comunidad a partir del $date$. Los votos no generan reputación y puede ser editada por usuarios con una reputación de $rep$
This post is community owned as of $date$. Votes do not generate reputation, and it can be edited by users with $rep$ rep Esta publicación es propiedad de la comunidad a partir del $date$. Los votos no generan reputación y puede ser editada por usuarios con una reputación de $rep$
Top new $SiteName$ users for the month of $Starting$! Nuevos usuarios principales de $SiteName$ para el mes de $Starting$.
Top new $SiteName$ users for the week of $Starting$! Nuevos usuarios principales de $SiteName$ para la semana del $Starting$.
total score of $Score$ puntuación total de $Score$
Users with a total answer score (total upvotes minus total downvotes) of $TagScoreRequiredToVote$ or more on the tag, can **vote** for tag synonyms. Los usuarios con una puntuación total de respuestas (total de votos a favor menos total de votos en contra) de $TagScoreRequiredToVote$ o más en la etiqueta pueden **votar** sinónimos de etiqueta.
Users with more than $SuggestTagSynonym$ reputation and a total answer score of $TagScoreRequiredToPropose$ or more on the tag, can **suggest** tag synonyms. Los usuarios con una reputación superior a $SuggestTagSynonym$ y una puntuación total de respuestas de $TagScoreRequiredToPropose$ o más en la etiqueta pueden **sugerir** sinónimos de etiqueta.
Users with more than $SuggestTagSynonym$ reputation and a total answer score of $TagScoreRequiredToPropose$ or more on the tag, can **suggest** tag synonyms. Los usuarios con una reputación superior a $SuggestTagSynonym$ y una puntuación total de respuestas de $TagScoreRequiredToPropose$ o más en la etiqueta pueden **sugerir** sinónimos de etiqueta.
Users with more than $SuggestTagSynonym$ reputation and a total answer score of $TagScoreRequiredToPropose$ or more on the tag, can **suggest** tag synonyms. Los usuarios con una reputación superior a $SuggestTagSynonym$ y una puntuación total de respuestas de $TagScoreRequiredToPropose$ o más en la etiqueta pueden **sugerir** sinónimos de etiqueta.
Users with more than $SuggestTagSynonym$ reputation and a total answer score of $TagScoreRequiredToPropose$ or more on the tag, can **suggest** tag synonyms. Los usuarios con una reputación superior a $SuggestTagSynonym$ y una puntuación total de respuestas de $TagScoreRequiredToPropose$ o más en la etiqueta pueden **sugerir** sinónimos de etiqueta.
We tried processing your downgrade as requested, but it looks like you have reached your maximum allowed limit of $maxFreeTeams$ Free Teams. To move forward, please cancel one of your Free Teams.
Week of $date$ Semana de $date$
You are currently logged out of $outerSiteName$. Please log in to $outerSiteName$ to add this team to your account.
You can start a total of $OpenBountiesPerUser$ simultaneous bounties Puedes comenzar un total de $OpenBountiesPerUser$ recompensas simultáneas
You currently have the maximum of $maxTeams$ teams on the Free plan.
You have a limit of $maxAllowedUsers$ users for this Team. You currently have $usersCount$ members and tried to send $actualInvites$ invites.
You must have a minimum of $rep$ reputation to post on this site. Debes tener por lo menos $rep$ para publicar en este sitio
You must have a minimum of $rep$ reputation to post on this site. Debes tener por lo menos $rep$ para publicar en este sitio
You must have a total score of $threshold$ in at least $atLeast$ answers to achieve this badge.
You must have a total score of $threshold$ in at least $atLeast$ non-community wiki answers to achieve this badge. Para obtener esta medalla, debes tener una puntuación total de $threshold$ en, por lo menos, $atLeast$ respuestas que no sean de wiki.
You need a total answer score of $score$ or more in a tag to vote on its pending synonyms. Necesitas una puntuación total de respuestas de $score$ o más en una etiqueta para votar en estos sinónimos pendientes.
You’re receiving this message because you’re an owner of $channelName$
You’ve reached the maximum of $dailyAllowedVotes$ bookmarks per day; come back $todayEnd$. Llegaste al máximo de $dailyAllowedVotes$ votos de favorito por día; regresa $todayEnd$.
You’ve reached the maximum of $dailyAllowedVotes$ bookmarks per day; come back $todayEnd$. Llegaste al máximo de $dailyAllowedVotes$ votos de favorito por día; regresa $todayEnd$.
Your summary for the week of $startDate$ - $endDate$
Your team is over the $tier$ plan limit of $maxSeats$ users so you cannot switch to this plan.
You're receiving this message because you're now an owner of $channelName$
You've reached the maximum of $dailyAllowedVotes$ Accepted by Owner votes per day; come back $todayEnd$ Llegaste al máximo de $dailyAllowedVotes$ voto de aceptación del propietario por día; regresa $todayEnd$
You've reached the maximum of $dailyAllowedVotes$ Accepted by Owner votes per day; come back $todayEnd$ Llegaste al máximo de $dailyAllowedVotes$ votos de aceptación del propietario por día; regresa $todayEnd$
You've reached the maximum of $dailyAllowedVotes$ Approve Suggested Edit votes per day; come back $todayEnd$ Llegaste al máximo de $dailyAllowedVotes$ voto de aprobación de edición sugerida por día; regresa $todayEnd$
You've reached the maximum of $dailyAllowedVotes$ Approve Suggested Edit votes per day; come back $todayEnd$ Llegaste al máximo de $dailyAllowedVotes$ votos de aprobación de edición sugerida por día; regresa $todayEnd$
You've reached the maximum of $dailyAllowedVotes$ Bounty Close votes per day; come back $todayEnd$ Llegaste al máximo de $dailyAllowedVotes$ voto de cierre de recompensa por día; regresa $todayEnd$
You've reached the maximum of $dailyAllowedVotes$ Bounty Close votes per day; come back $todayEnd$ Llegaste al máximo de $dailyAllowedVotes$ votos de cierre de recompensa por día; regresa $todayEnd$
You've reached the maximum of $dailyAllowedVotes$ Bounty Start votes per day; come back $todayEnd$ Llegaste al máximo de $dailyAllowedVotes$ voto de inicio de recompensa por día; regresa $todayEnd$
You've reached the maximum of $dailyAllowedVotes$ Bounty Start votes per day; come back $todayEnd$ Llegaste al máximo de $dailyAllowedVotes$ votos de inicio de recompensa por día; regresa $todayEnd$
You've reached the maximum of $dailyAllowedVotes$ Closure votes per day; come back $todayEnd$ Llegaste al máximo de $dailyAllowedVotes$ votos de cierre por día; regresa $todayEnd$
You've reached the maximum of $dailyAllowedVotes$ Closure votes per day; come back $todayEnd$ Llegaste al máximo de $dailyAllowedVotes$ votos de cierre por día; regresa $todayEnd$
You've reached the maximum of $dailyAllowedVotes$ Deletion votes per day; come back $todayEnd$ Llegaste al máximo de $dailyAllowedVotes$ voto de eliminación por día; regresa $todayEnd$
You've reached the maximum of $dailyAllowedVotes$ Deletion votes per day; come back $todayEnd$ Llegaste al máximo de $dailyAllowedVotes$ votos de eliminación por día; regresa $todayEnd$
You've reached the maximum of $dailyAllowedVotes$ Moderator Review votes per day; come back $todayEnd$ Llegaste al máximo de $dailyAllowedVotes$ voto de revisión del moderador por día; regresa $todayEnd$
You've reached the maximum of $dailyAllowedVotes$ Moderator Review votes per day; come back $todayEnd$ Llegaste al máximo de $dailyAllowedVotes$ votos de revisión del moderador por día; regresa $todayEnd$
You've reached the maximum of $dailyAllowedVotes$ Nominate Moderator votes per day; come back $todayEnd$ Llegaste al máximo de $dailyAllowedVotes$ voto de postulación de moderadores por día; regresa $todayEnd$
You've reached the maximum of $dailyAllowedVotes$ Nominate Moderator votes per day; come back $todayEnd$ Llegaste al máximo de $dailyAllowedVotes$ votos de postulación de moderadores por día; regresa $todayEnd$
You've reached the maximum of $dailyAllowedVotes$ Reopen votes per day; come back $todayEnd$ Llegaste al máximo de $dailyAllowedVotes$ voto de reapertura por día; regresa $todayEnd$
You've reached the maximum of $dailyAllowedVotes$ Reopen votes per day; come back $todayEnd$ Llegaste al máximo de $dailyAllowedVotes$ votos de reapertura por día; regresa $todayEnd$
You've reached the maximum of $dailyAllowedVotes$ Rude or Abusive votes per day; come back $todayEnd$
You've reached the maximum of $dailyAllowedVotes$ Rude or Abusive votes per day; come back $todayEnd$
You've reached the maximum of $dailyAllowedVotes$ Spam votes per day; come back $todayEnd$ Llegaste al máximo de $dailyAllowedVotes$ voto de contenido no deseado por día; regresa $todayEnd$
You've reached the maximum of $dailyAllowedVotes$ Spam votes per day; come back $todayEnd$ Llegaste al máximo de $dailyAllowedVotes$ votos de contenido no deseado por día; regresa $todayEnd$
You've reached the maximum of $dailyAllowedVotes$ Undeletion votes per day; come back $todayEnd$ Llegaste al máximo de $dailyAllowedVotes$ voto de recuperación por día; regresa $todayEnd$
You've reached the maximum of $dailyAllowedVotes$ Undeletion votes per day; come back $todayEnd$ Llegaste al máximo de $dailyAllowedVotes$ votos de recuperación por día; regresa $todayEnd$
You've reached the maximum of $dailyAllowedVotes$ Undo Vote votes per day; come back $todayEnd$ Llegaste al máximo de $dailyAllowedVotes$ voto para deshacer por día; regresa $todayEnd$
You've reached the maximum of $dailyAllowedVotes$ Undo Vote votes per day; come back $todayEnd$ Llegaste al máximo de $dailyAllowedVotes$ votos para deshacer por día; regresa $todayEnd$
You've reached the maximum of $dailyAllowedVotes$ Vote Down votes per day; come back $todayEnd$ Llegaste al máximo de $dailyAllowedVotes$ votos en contra por día; regresa $todayEnd$
You've reached the maximum of $dailyAllowedVotes$ Vote Down votes per day; come back $todayEnd$ Llegaste al máximo de $dailyAllowedVotes$ votos en contra por día; regresa $todayEnd$
You've reached the maximum of $dailyAllowedVotes$ Vote Up votes per day; come back $todayEnd$ Llegaste al máximo de $dailyAllowedVotes$ voto a favor por día; regresa $todayEnd$
You've reached the maximum of $dailyAllowedVotes$ Vote Up votes per day; come back $todayEnd$ Llegaste al máximo de $dailyAllowedVotes$ votos a favor por día; regresa $todayEnd$
You've recently asked one or more programming questions on $siteName$, our site for discussions *about* $topic$. Posting programming questions on $siteName$ to circumvent a ban on Stack Overflow is not allowed. To regain the ability to ask questions on Stack Overflow, please read this [help center article]($BaseWebsiteAddress/help/question-bans). We have suspended your account; you may return after $todoSuspendMarker$ days if you have questions on the use of $topic$ itself.
You've recently asked one or more programming questions on $siteName$, our site for discussions *about* $topic$. Posting programming questions on $siteName$ to circumvent a ban on Stack Overflow is not allowed. To regain the ability to ask questions on Stack Overflow, please read this [help center article]($questionBansUrl$). We have suspended your account; you may return after $todoSuspendMarker$ days if you have questions on the use of $topic$ itself.