
Results (28)

String Translation Suggestions
$RevisionNumber$ of $RevisionsCount$ $RevisionNumber$ de $RevisionsCount$
helpful flags: $Helpful$ of $Total$ reportes útiles: $Helpful$ de $Total$
helpful flags: $Helpful$ of $Total$ reportes útiles: $Helpful$ de $Total$
helpful flags: $Helpful$ of $Total$ reportes útiles: $Helpful$ de $Total$
helpful flags: $Helpful$ of $Total$ reportes útiles: $Helpful$ de $Total$
Highlighting stats: $span1start$ **50% or less** $abbrEnd$ of the median, $span2start$ **25% or less** $spanEnd$ of the median.
offer $bountyAmounts$ of my own reputation for an answer to this question ofrecer $bountyAmounts$ de mi reputación por una respuesta a esta pregunta
Please complete your $siteName$ account merge ($part$ of 2) Completa la combinación de tu cuenta de $siteName$ ($part$ de 2)
Please complete your Stack Exchange account merge ($part$ of 2) Completa la combinación de tu cuenta de Stack Exchange ($part$ de 2)
Showing $number$ of $totalNumber$ total comments
Showing $number$ of $totalNumber$ total comments
Showing $number$ of $totalNumber$ total comments
Showing $number$ of $totalNumber$ total comments
Showing $usersCount$ of $totalUsers$ members Mostrando $usersCount$ de $totalUsers$ miembro
Showing $usersCount$ of $totalUsers$ members Mostrando $usersCount$ de un total de $totalUsers$ miembro
Showing $usersCount$ of $totalUsers$ members Mostrando $usersCount$ de $totalUsers$ miembros
Showing $usersCount$ of $totalUsers$ members Mostrando $usersCount$ de $totalUsers$ miembros
showing top $top$ of $total$ available badges; please use the search box to find a specific badge mostrando $top$ medallas principales de $total$ medallas disponibles; utiliza la casilla de búsqueda para buscar una medalla en particular
showing top $top$ of $total$ available badges; please use the search box to find a specific badge mostrando $top$ medallas principales de $total$ medallas disponibles; utiliza la casilla de búsqueda para buscar una medalla en particular
showing top $top$ of $total$ available badges; please use the search box to find a specific badge mostrando $top$ medallas principales de $total$ medallas disponibles; utiliza la casilla de búsqueda para buscar una medalla en particular
showing top $top$ of $total$ available badges; please use the search box to find a specific badge mostrando $top$ medallas principales de $total$ medallas disponibles; utiliza la casilla de búsqueda para buscar una medalla en particular
We had a problem notifying $integration$ of new activity from **$team$**.
You have already deleted $numDeletedToday$ of your own posts today; further deletes are blocked. See ["I've thought better of my question; can I delete it?"]($url$) for alternatives.
You have already deleted $numDeletedToday$ of your own posts today; further deletes are blocked. See ["I've thought better of my question; can I delete it?"]($url$) for alternatives.
You have already edited $__count$ of your own posts today (not including very recent posts). Further edits are not allowed until tomorrow. Hoy ya editaste $__count$ de tus propias publicaciones (sin contar las publicaciones muy recientes). No se permiten más ediciones hasta mañana.
You have already edited $__count$ of your own posts today (not including very recent posts). Further edits are not allowed until tomorrow. Hoy ya editaste $__count$ de tus propias publicaciones (sin contar las publicaciones muy recientes). No se permiten más ediciones hasta mañana.
You have already edited $numPosts$ of your own posts today (excluding very recent posts); further edits are not allowed until tomorrow. Hoy ya editaste $numPosts$ de tus propias publicaciones (sin contar las publicaciones muy recientes); no se permiten más ediciones hasta mañana.
You have already edited $numPosts$ of your own posts today (excluding very recent posts); further edits are not allowed until tomorrow. Hoy ya editaste $numPosts$ de tus propias publicaciones (sin contar las publicaciones muy recientes); no se permiten más ediciones hasta mañana.